The protagonist of the series, Nagate was raised in isolation in the depths of Sidonia, with only his grandfather Hiroki Saito and a Guardian pilot simulator for company. Nagate discovers society once his food supply runs out and is forced to search for more. Captured by the local authorities of Sidonia, once his grandfather's identity as a famous pilot is discovered, Sidonia's government puts him on the road for elite Guardian training.
Nagate faces many hardships adapting to society and his duties as a pilot, but finds friendship and love among his peers. Eventually, he finds more comfort in his role in society, and becomes Sidonia's best pilot.
The Ace: Tanikaze is Sidonia's first ace in living memory, being the only one who has survived long enough to get that title.
All-Loving Hero: One of Nagate's reasons for being a pilot is that he loves Sidonia and its people. He even says to Kunato that even though he can't forgive him for causing Hoshijiro's death, he still wants to fight alongside him, because he's one of Sidonia's people that he loves.
Big Eater: Tanikaze, on account of being unable to photosynthesize like most of the "humans" on Sidonia.
Downplayed. He doesn't really eat any more than we do. At one point, he turns down a truly massive fish because "I don't eat that much." It's just the genetically engineered humans who make up the rest of the crew who eat very little.
Can't Hold His Liquor: Gets drunk and passes out after drinking from just one cup.
Chick Magnet: A considerable part of the female cast is attracted to him. He is later voted the third most popular man on board the Mizuki (among women) even after being accused of being a peeping tom.
ng Moron, Hidden Badass: Dear lord does this fit him. He's a comical Fish out of Water trainee who can't pilot a Type 18 very well. Put him in the cockpit of a Type 17 however and watch him fly circles around every other pilot on-board the Sidonia. He quickly racks up the highest kill-count in the story.
Good Thing You Can Heal: Nagate gets injured a lot, but this is mostly played for laughs because he also has a...
Healing Factor: as a result of being an immortal enhanced clone.
Acquired Poison Immunity: He also has a high resistance to toxins. He once took a tranq dart to the back of the neck without any effect, and had to be shot three more times in the facenote before he finally went under.
The Hero: Of Sidonia. Just like Hiroki Saito.
Identical Grandson: Due to being a clone, he is identical to his "grandfather".
Idiot Hair: He has an ahoge poking out of his messy hair, though it's kinda hard to spot at times.
Interspecies Romance: He eventually confesses his feelings for Tsumugi, who is half Gauna and 15 meters taller than him.
It Sucks to Be the Chosen One: When one of the Honoka sisters bemoans Nagate for always receiving the best gear, he states that while he does in fact get all the neat upgrades and experimental gear, it's also his responsibility to fight things like Benisuzume - a Gauna that has repeatedly over the series killed multiple pilots without effort - by himself.
No Social Skills: Not only is Nagate awkward due to living his whole life with only one man for company, what few social skills he does have appear to outdated and old-fashioned.
Oblivious to Love: As a result of the above, Nagate is rather dense. He manages to realize that Hoshijiro reciprocates his feelings for her, but that's about it; all other characters who like him are out of luck.
Promotion to Parent: Adopts Ichigaya Teruru after she is abandoned by the remnants of the pacifist movement.
Raised by Grandparents: Raised by his grandfather Hiroki Saito until he died three years ago. The truth is that Nagate is his clone and Hiroki considered him his child.
Taught by Experience: Part of the reason the government values Tanikaze so much is because of his huge aptitude for piloting Guardians. And the reason for that seems to be because he had literally nothing to do but log hours into a Guardian simulator and take lessons from his only companion/parent, a former pilot himself. The other part is that said "parent" was an incredibly renowned war hero.
Tykebomb: Was raised from birth by Sidonia's former Ace to become the next one.
Walking Transplant: He was created to serve as the new immortal body for Hiroki Saito. Fortunately, Hiroki saved Nagate from this fate by kidnapping him.